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LP Fees

Limited Partnership Fees

Filing Fees $ 965.00
Registered Agent Designation $ 35.00
TOTAL $ 1,000.00
Restated Certificate $ 52.50
Amended and Restated Certificate $ 52.50
Amendment $ 52.50
Statement of Correction $ 52.50
Certificate of Dissolution $ 52.50
Certificate of Revocation of Dissolution $ 52.50
Statement of Termination $ 52.50
Certificate of Merger $ 52.50 per party
Certificate of Conversion $ 52.50 (+ New Entity Filing Fees, if applicable)
Other $ 52.50
Name Reservation  $ 52.50
Annual Report $ 411.25
Supplemental Fee $ 88.75
Total $ 500.00
Annual Report (Received after May 1) $ 900.00
Amended Annual Report $ 411.25
Reinstatement $ 500.00 ($500 for each year or part thereof the partnership was revoked plus the delinquent annual report fees)
Notice of Cancellation $ 52.50
Certificate of Status $ 8.75
Certified Copy (optional) $ 52.50 (15 pages or fewer,$1 each page thereafter)
Change of registered agent/Office $ 35.00
Resignation of Reg. Agent $ 87.50
Photocopies $ 1.00 per page (please call (850) 245-6053 for a page count)

