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Floridian Fasciculata

by Stephen C. Littlefield

Floridian Fasciculata

40" x 30"
acrylic on canvas

Donated in 2018 by Dennis and Linda Cathcart

About the Artist

Stephen Littlefield was born in Orlando and has lived and worked in the Clearwater, FL area for over 40 years.  He started drawing and painting at a very early age.  As a Fine Arts major at the University of South Florida he discovered printmaking.  In 1979, with the help of the sculptor Loyd Jones, he designed and built his own etching press.  His commitment to traditional printmaking has resulted in five more presses being built and the founding in 1992 of the printmaking program at the Gladys Douglas School for the Arts at the Dunedin Fine Arts Center in Dunedin, FL. 
