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II. Review & Approval

Application Process Part 2

Marker applications are reviewed by the State Historical Marker Council, an appointed committee of three preservation experts from around the state.

Review meetings are held at the R.A. Gray building, 500 South Bronough Street in Tallahassee, Florida. For those unable to attend the meeting in person, you may still participate via webinar. Information on upcoming Florida Historical Marker Council meetings can be found on our Upcoming Meetings page.  

Marker applications are accepted year-round. Deadlines are set at least one month before a council meeting to determine which applications will be on that meeting's agenda. Applications received within the month before a scheduled meeting will not be reviewed until the following meeting.

Finalization/Approval of Marker Text

The marker council members may recommend changes to the proposed marker text. After the meeting, Bureau of Historic Preservation staff will communicate all changes or requests for further information to the applicant and coordinate the finalization of the marker text.

For More Information

Historic Marker Program
[email protected] 

Division of Historical Resources
Bureau of Historic Preservation
R.A. Gray Building
500 S. Bronough Street, Room 408
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
